Notes on the Rise of China and the Fall of America

This century began with a single major world power, the USA, but it will not end that way. The power and prominence of China has risen and fallen multiple times over the last few thousand years, and it is on the rise again. Last century saw the decline of Europe, the rise and fall of the Soviet Union, and the eventual rise of the United States as the dominant world power. This century we're seeing the stagnation of the US. In this article I'm going to look at the primary reasons for China's rise and America's fall. The United States has continued to be thought of as capitalist even as government regulation has grown, as political corruption has grown, as socialist programs have been implemented, as taxes have increased, as property rights have decreased, as rule of law has decreased. At the same time China has continued to be thought of as communist, Marxist, and socialist even though it has eased regulations, reduced corruption, lessened socialist programs, lowered tax...