Pro-Global Warming

I'm in favor of global warming. Overall, I think it would be a good thing. Let's look at a few points. Here's the basic idea. Can the climate stay the same? No. If you think the weather can stay the same then I would ask you to try to get back in contact with reality in whatever manner you may choose, going outside or looking at history are two decent ideas. Notice that I said climate in one sentence and weather in another sentence, but I used them in a similar way. Many people that like to sell the idea of the apocalypse through climate change like to point out that weather and climate are not the same thing. True, weather is short term and climate is long term. Climate is long weather. Climate is to weather as cat is to kitten. It's not like people are making a giant leap when they think the two are somewhat related. Starting with the assumption that weather and climate are definitely going to change we have two basic options: hotter or colder. There are nuan...