Nothing is more important than...

I came across that sentence when I was reading a book about a week ago. It's stuck in my head. "Nothing is more important than..." It's an odd way to phrase a superlative, something that is at the extreme.

I've gone through a number of iterations. I'm still uncertain about these answers, and I think that's a major life problem. If you aren't certain about your superlative values then your action will be erratic because your intentions are, which is what you see in my life. But, I have been working on some answers that make sense.

- - - - - - -

Nothing is more important than...

...confronting loss by adjusting expectations to match reality.
- ...helping people to confront loss by adjusting expectations to match reality.
(These are of four kinds: 1) False expectations of the future. Which is a feeling of loss. 2) False expectations of the past. Which is a feeling of guilt and/or regret. 3) False expectations of the past-future. Which is a feeling of loss. 4) False expectations of the present. Which is a feeling of disappointment and/or disillusionment.)

...confronting and managing pain by rewiring my brain through meditation.
- ...helping people to live (with pain, in spite of pain, despite pain) by rewiring their brain through meditation. (...helping people to confront and manage pain by rewiring their brain through meditation.)

...mining stories for meaning.
- ...helping people to mine stories for meaning.

...creating stories.
- ...helping people to create stories.

- - - - - - -

It seems like it should be more, or it should be less. I think it's an odd list. But I'm an odd guy, so that would make sense.


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